A god variously described as consort or husband of the healing goddess NININSINNA or the husband of healing goddess GULA/NINKARRAK. By inference he becomes a healing god himself, though he is sometimes depicted as a divine judge, or a god of war and hunting, and even (though his association with NERGAL) a deity of the underworld. He presents gifts to ENLIL and is often described as Enlil's (warrior) son, which makes Nininsinna Enlil's daughter-in-law and moon-god SIN his brother. In one story he is AN(U)'s son. The tutelary god of the city of Isin and the lost city of Larak, he has the epithet 'wild bull with the multicoloured legs' and is represented in the constellation Sagittarius. He merges with the god NINGURSU/NINURTA probably during the Old Babylonian period (2000-1600BC)

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